The focus of the Centre is the research of early Christian literature, with the general aim identical to the original aspirations of the Centre for Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Texts: to make important works of European Christian culture available to the Czech professional as well as the general public. Previous research on this field has confirmed the importance of the Bible for Greek and Latin Fathers: their thought is principally biblical, in many cases foreign to philosophical speculations (on the other hand, some of the Fathers were eminent philosophers), though their approach to the Scripture and their methods of biblical quotations are far from biblical exegesis in present understanding. The genre of biblical commentary which emerged through the first centuries (long time before Jerome who is reckoned by many scholars to be the first “scientific” Latin commentator) is not the only field where the Bible is widely quoted or commented.

Within the project History and Interpretation of the Bible, the researchers of the Centre focus primarily on the Interpretations of the Bible in the Greek and Latin Fathers. Special attention is paid to two themes:
  (1) Alexandrian theological school, known for the application of allegorical interpretation on the Scripture, for the creative reception of the heritage of Jewish theology and for its openness to Greek philosophical, literal and cultural tradition – in the first place Clement of Alexandria and Origen; and
  (2) the interpretation of the Scripture in early Christian apologists and in Greek and Latin patristics of the 4th and 5th centuries (from Tertullian and Tatian to Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine); the early martyrological literature and the convergence of biblical and philosophical or other approaches will be studied as well.

Two principal themes of our research correspond to two international conferences: Conference on Clement of Alexandria (Colloquium Clementinum 2014: Clement's Biblical Exegesis) and Conference on Marius Victorinus (2017).

The research will result in the first or new Czech translations of the texts, accompanied with an introduction and commentary, monographs and studies in journals.


  • Augustin, O nesmrtelnosti duše [Augustine, De immortalitate animae], Czech translation and introduction Lenka Karfíková, Oikúmené, Praha 2013. ISBN 978-80-7298-493-0.
  • Řehoř z Nyssy, O stvoření člověka [Gregory of Nyssa, De hominis opificio], Czech translation and introduction Magdalena Bláhová, Oikúmené, Praha 2013. ISBN 978-80-7298-484-8.
  • Klement z Alexandrie, Exegetické zlomky [Clement of Alexandria, Exegetical Fragments: Eclogae propheticae. Hypotyposes], Czech translation and introduction Jana Plátová, Oikúmené, Praha, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7298-387-2.
  • David Vopřada, Mystagogie Výkladu 118. žalmu svatého Ambrože [Mystagogy of St. Ambrose's Explanation of Psalm 118], Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7465-133-5.
  • Tertullian, O Kristově těle [De carne Christi], Czech translation, introduction and commentary Petr Kitzler, Oikúmené, Praha 2015. ISBN 978-80-7298-205-9.
  • Řehoř z Nyssy, Katechetická řeč [Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio catechetica magna], introduction Markéta Bendová, Czech translation and commentary Magdalena Bláhová, Oikúmené, Praha 2015, ISBN 978-80-7298-513-5.
  • Lenka Karfíková, Von Augustin zu Abaelard. Studien zum christlichen Denken, Academic Press Fribourg, 2015. ISBN 978-3-7278-1780-9.
  • Órigenés, Proti Kelsovi I-II [Origen, Contra Celsum I-II], Czech translation, introduction and commentary Miroslav Šedina, Oikúmené, Praha 2016, ISBN ISBN 978-80-7298-219-6.
  • Tatian Syrský, Promluva k Řekům [Tatian, Oratio ad Graecos], Czech translation and introduction Pavel Dudzik, Oikúmené, Praha 2016. ISBN 978-80-7298-210-3.
  • Lenka Karfíková, Duše zrcadlo. Studie ke Kappadočanům, Augustinovi a Abélardovi [“The Soul as a Mirror”: Studies on the Cappadocians, Augustine and Abelard], Triáda, Praha 2016. ISBN 978-80-7474-181-4.
  • Clement’s Biblical Exegesis. Proceedings of the Second Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (Olomouc, May 29–31, 2014), edited by Veronika Černušková, Judith L. Kovacs, and Jana Plátová, Vigiliae Christianae Supplements 139, Brill, Leiden 2017. ISBN 978-9004331235.
  • Vít Hušek, Ambrosiaster a dějiny spásy v kontextu předaugustinovské západní teologie [Ambrosiaster and the History of Salvation in the Context of Pre-Augustinian Western Theology], Oikúmené, Praha 2017. ISBN 978-80-7298-233-2.
  • Bernard z Clairvaux, Apologie pro opata Viléma [Bernard z Clairvaux, Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem], Czech translation, introduction and commentary Iva Adámková, Oikúmné, Praha 2018. ISBN 978–80–7298–246–2.
  • Miroslav Šedina, Sny křesťanských proroků. Svět jako vůle a představa v Órigenově polemice s Kelsem, Oikúmené, Praha 2018. ISBN 978-80-7298-509-8.
  • Órigenés, Proti Kelsovi III-IV [Origen, Contra Celsum III-IV], Czech translation, introduction and commentary Miroslav Šedina, Oikúmené, Praha 2018. ISBN 978-80-7298-132-8.
  • Lenka Karfíková, Duše, prozřetelnost a svoboda podle Origena. Šest studií k Origenovu myšlení a jeho ohlasu na Západě [The Soul, Providence, and Freedom according to Origen. Six Studies on Origen’s Thinking and its Reception in the West)], Vyšehrad, Praha 2018, ISBN 978-80-7601-083-3.
  • Jana Plátová, Dokonalá láska vyhání strach. Recepce Janových epištol v díle Klementa z Alexandrie [Perfect Love Casts out Fear. Reception of John's letters in Clement of Alexandria], Mlýn, Jihlava 2018. ISBN 978-80-86498-66-9.
  • Filip Horáček, K čemu je věštění ze snů? Překlad a výklad Synesiova spisu O snech, Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec 2018. ISBN 80-978-7465-345-2.
  • Řehoř z Nyssy, Mojžíšův život [Gregory of Nyssa, De vita Moysis], introduction, Czech translation and coommentary Markéta Bendová, Oikúmené, Praha 2018, ISBN 978-80-7298-349-0.
  • Řehoř z Nyssy, Otče náš [Gregory of Nyssa, De oratione Dominica], Czech translation, introduction and commentary Magdalena Marunová, Oikúmené, Praha 2018, ISBN 978-80-7298-355-1.
  • Jan Cassianus, Rozmluvy 11-14 [John Cassian, Conference 11-14], Czech translation and commentary Ondřej Koupil, introduction Vít Hušek, Benediktinské arciopatství sv. Vojtěcha a sv. Markéty, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-86882-24-6.
  • Počátky ariánského sporu. Řecké teologické prameny k ariánské kontroverzi před koncilem v Nikaii (325) [Origins of the Arian controversy. Greek theological sources to the Arian controversy before the council of Nicaea (325)], introduction, Czech translation and commentary Pavel Dudzik, Oikúmené, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-7298-370-4.
  • Klement Alexandrijský, Vychovatel [Clement of Alexandria, Paedagogus], Czech translation, introduction and commentary Veronika Černušková, Oikúmené, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-7298-530-2.
  • Isidor of Sevilla, Etymologiae XVII, Czech translation, introduction and notes Barbora Kocánová and Zuzana Silagiová, Oikúmené, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-7298-235-6.


  • Órigenés, Proti Kelsovi V-VI [Origen, Contra Celsum V-VI], Czech translation, introduction and commentary Miroslav Šedina, Oikúmené, Praha 2020.
  • Interactions in Interpretation. The Pilgrimage of Meaning through Biblical Texts and Contexts, ed. Jan Roskovec and Vít Hušek, Biblical Interpretation Series 185, Brill, Leiden 2020.
  • Physiologus Latinus (H. Šedinová)
  • Tertullian, De anima (P. Kitzler)
  • Augustine, De Trinitate (P. Černuška)