The 10th Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa

Olomouc (Czech Republic), 15th - 18th September, 2004


Committee of the Colloquium:

Lenka Karfíková (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Thomas Böhm (München, Germany)
Johannes Zachhuber (Berlin, Germany)
Scot Douglass (Boulder, CO,USA)

The programme was prepared in consultation with:

Volker H. Drecoll (Tübingen, Germany)
Andreas Spira (Mainz, Germany)


Wednesday 15 September

18.00-20.00 Opening of the Colloquium, Opening Lectures, Chair: L. Karfíková

  • Opening addresses: H. M. prof. M. Mašláò, vice-rector of Palacký University Olomouc; H. E. Mons. J. Graubner, archbishop of Olomouc and Grand Chancellor of St. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology; H. E. Vassilios Eikosipentarchos, Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic; ing. Martin Tesaøík, Mayor of Olomouc
  • Theo Kobusch (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany), 30min
    Die Epinoia - das menschliche Bewusstsein in der antiken Philosophie
  • Basil Studer (Engelberg, Switzerland), 30min
    Der theologiegeschichtliche Hintergrund der Epinoiai-Lehre Gregors von Nyssa

20.00 Dinner party

Thursday 16 September

6.30-9.00 Breakfast

9.00-10.30 Chair: A. M. Ritter

  • Stuart George Hall (University of St Andrews, Great Britain), 15min
    The structure of contra Eunomium 2 reconsidered
  • Anne–Gordon Keidel (USA), 15min
    The Discusion between Basil and Eunomius (Apologia and Adv. Eunomium)
  • Thomas Böhm (Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universität München, Germany), 30min
    CE II, 1-66: Gregors Zusammenfassung der eunomianischen Position im Vergleich zum Ansatz des Eunomius


  • Morwenna Ludlow (Oxford University, Great Britain), 30min
    CE II, 67-170: Divine Infinity and eschatology: the limits and dynamics of human knowledge according to Gregory of Nyssa
  • Charalambos Apostolopoulos (University of Ioaninna, Greece), 15min
    CE II, 171-195: Die Rolle der 'epinoia' nach Eunomius und Gregor und die theologisch-philosophischen Hintergruende
  • Anthony Meredith (University of London, Great Britain), 30min
    CE II 195-293: The "Language" of God and Human Language

12.30 Lunch

14.15-21.00 Trip to Kromìøíž

Friday 17 September

6.30-9.00 Breakfast

9.00-10.30 Chair: A. Meredith

  • Adolf Martin Ritter (Ruprecht-Karls-Univesität Heidelberg, Germany), 10min
    Academic memento of deceased prof. Andreas Spira
  • Johannes Zachhuber (Humbolt-Universität Berlin, Germany), 30min
    CE II, 294-365: Epinoia and Christological Titles
  • Lenka Karfíková (Charles University Prague - Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic), 30min
    CE II, 387-444, 543-553: Der Ursprung der Sprache nach Eunomius und Gregor vor dem Hintergurnd der antiken Sprachtheorien

11.00-12.30 Short papers: section A (Epinoia)

  • Tina Dolidze (University of Tbilisi, Georgia), 15min
    The Cognitive Function of Epinoia in CE II and its Meaning for Gregory of Nyssa´s Theory of Theological Language
  • Edgars Narkevics (Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters), 15min
    Theory of predication and concepts (epinoia) in the philosophy of the Cappadocian Fathers, focusing on Basil's and Gregory of Nyssa's polemical works against the Eunomian position
  • John Demetracopoulos (Patras University, Greece), 15min
    Glossogony or Epistemology? The Stoic Character of Basil of Caesarea´s and Eunomius´ epistemological notion of "epinoia" and its misinterpretation by Gregory of Nyssa
  • Scot Douglass (University of Colorado, CO, USA), 15min
    Epinoia and Theological Imagination

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Short trip to old town of Olomouc


Short papers: section B (Theory of language)
Th. Böhm

  • Georges Arabatzis (Academy of Athens, Greece), 15min
    Limites du monde, limites du langage dans le CE II du Grégoire de Nysse
  • Ladislav Chvátal (Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic), 15 min
    "He brandishes over us this Aristotelian weapon" (CE II, 620) - an example of (ab)use of Aristotle´s name in controversy over unbegottenness
  • Theodoros Alexopoulos (University of Athens, Greece / Heidelberg, Germany), 15min
    Predikation Gottes: Gregor von Nyssa und Plotin im Vergleich
  • David Bartoò (Czech Republic), 15min
    Some notes to platonism of Gregory of Nyssa
  • Zarras Nektarios (University of Athens, Greece), 15min
    St. Gregory of Nyssa as officiating Bishop in Byzantine Art

Short papers: section C (Theological themes)
S. Hall

  • Jochen Rexer (Tübingen, Germany), 15min
    Die Bedeutung der epinoiai in den Predigten Gregors von Nyssa
  • Tamara Aptsiauri (University of Tbilisi, Georgia), 15min
    Die Allegorese in der Schrift "Leben des Mose" Gregors von Nyssa im Kontext seiner epinoia-Theorie
  • Abraham Thomas (Great Britain), Report 10min
    Biblical Interpretation of Gregory of Nyssa as Reflected in His "Against Eunomius - Books I-III" and "Life of Mose
  • Torstein Tollefsen (Norwegian Academy of Science and Letteres), 15min
    Essence and Activity (Energeia) in St Gregory's anti-Eunomian Polemic
  • Ari Ojell (University of Helsinki, Finland), 15min
    "Identity of Will" in CE II

18.30 Dinner

Saturday 18 September

6.30-9.00 Breakfast

9.00-10.30 Chair: L. F. Mateo-Seco

  • Joseph S. O´Leary (Sophia University Tokyo, Japan), 30min
    CE II, 366-386; 445-560: Aphtharsia and agennesia - The Problem of God´s Simplicity and the Existence of Different Divine Attributes
  • Volker H. Drecoll (Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Germany), 30min
    CE II, 561-627: Gottesbezeichnungen und Unsterblichkeit

10.45-12.00 Chair: V. H. Drecoll

  • Research on Gregory of Nyssa; plans for the future
  • Brill publication plan
  • Organization of the next Colloquium

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Departure for Prague