Česká patristická společnost
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The conference takes place at St. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Univerzitní 22, Olomouc, Czech Republic, in October 21-23, 2010.

> Photos from the conference:
part 1, part 2

> Proceedings: M. Havrda, V. Hušek, J. Plátová (eds.),
The Seventh Book of the Stromateis. Proceedings
of the Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria
VCS 117, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2012.
ISBN 978-90-04-22363-9.





Download a printer-friendly version (pdf)

Thursday, October 21

10:00 Registration

10.30-11:30 Guided tour

14:30-18:00 Chair Lorenzo Perrone

Welcome address, Gabriela Vlková, dean of St Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology

Annewies van den Hoek, Stromateis VII in the Light of Recent Scholarship: Approaches and Perspectives (45´)

Alain Le Boulluec, Comment Clément applique-t-il dans le Stromate VII, à l'intention des philosophes, la méthode définie au début du livre (1, 1-3)? (45´)

Silke-Petra Bergjan, Special Care for the Advanced Christian: The Concept of Pronoia in Stromata book VII (30´)

19:00 Welcome dinner


Friday, October 22

9:00-10:30 Chair Margaret Schatkin

Ilaria L.E. Ramelli, Strom. 7.2.12 and Clement’s Hints to the Theory of Apokatastasis (30´)

Monika Recinová, Clement´s Angelological Doctrines: Between Jewish Models and Philosophic-Religious Streams of Late Antiquity (30´)

10:45-12:15 Chair Marco Rizzi

Philip Abrahamson, The Soul of the Righteous Man: Image of the Incarnation in Clement of Alexandria’s Stromata (30´)

Veronika Černušková, Divine and Human Mercy in Stromateis (15´)

Jana Plátová, Intercessione dello "gnostico" (15´)

14:30-17:30 Chair Judith L. Kovacs

George E. Karamanolis, Clement on Superstition and Religious Belief (30´)

Margaret Schatkin, Clement of Alexandria on Prayer: Innovation and Influence (30´)

Lorenzo Perrone, Clemens von Alexandrien und Origenes zum Gebet: Versuch eines Paradigmenvergleichs anhand ihrer Schriftstellen (30´)

20:00 Jane Hettrick, Musical Settings of Clement’s Hymn from The Paedagogus (Organ Concert at Church of St. Michael)


Saturday, October 23

9:30-11:00 Chair Annewies van den Hoek

Davide Dainese, The Idea of Martyrdom in Stromata VII: A Proposal of Reconstruction of Clement of Alexandria’s Philosophy (30´)

Judith L. Kovacs, Saint Paul as Apostle of Apatheia: Clement’s Exegesis of 1Corinthians 6 in Stromateis 7, chapter 14 (30´)

(11:00 Meeting of the Czech Patristic Society)

14:00-16:30 Chair Alain Le Boulluec

Piotr Ashwin-Siejkowski, The Notion of ‘Heresy’ in the Seventh Stromata and its Use in Clement of Alexandria’s polemic (30‘)

Matyáš Havrda, Demonstrative Method in Stromata VII: Context, Principles and Purpose (30´)

Marco Rizzi, The End of Stromata VII and Clement's Literary Project (30´)


Last update: 20 Oct 2010